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Why balance poses are important?

There are many yoga poses that help us improve our balance and equilibrium. Some balance poses we do on our feet, others on our hands. All of these balance poses benefit us in many different ways, but they have some things in common.

Balance poses offer us both physical and mental benefits. Physically, we strengthen and elongate our muscles, get to know our center of gravity and how to align ourselves, improve the function of the equilibrium receptors in the body, and learn the important yoga principle of rooting down.

As for mental benefits, balance poses teach us how to keep our attention focused and disregard external stimulation, how to stay steady in one place for a while, and how to find inner center and equanimity—all these are important qualities both on and off our yoga mat.

Balance poses can be hard and frustrating for some, especially in the beginning. But the good news is that consistent practice makes it a lot better. Then one day, you will just suddenly find yourself doing it with a big smile on your face—even if you fall!

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